Monday, April 23, 2012

Ticks that go eek in the Night!

After being attacked in "ticktown" a.k.a. the Challenge Course today, by what seemed to me like 100s of ticks, ( I might be over rounding) I decided to do a little research. On the bright side of the nasty little blood suckers, the tick itself would have to be attached for 24 hours before you can contract lyme disease.
Also some things i have picked up over the years about handling or dealing with ticks;
bug spray will deter ticks from biting the treated area but will not stop them from crawling to an untreated spot like under your clothes, when pulling a tick off of you, pull staedy and at a 90 degree angle from your body to ensure that the head doesnt break off, and when actually bitten anti itch creams usually will stop the itch.
    Some things for future classes or even a future outings like ours is to be prepared! If doing a challenge course , do not wear shorts. Always use sunscreen, and it wouldnt hurt to spray some bug spray on yourself.


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